Ever since The Advertiser started putting my column on the world wide web, I have received…
Beaten candidate tried to unseat Arthur’s 1908 reeve
In the early decades of 色控传媒County, disputes over election results were so common as to…
The unfolding trend change
One of the most surprising by-products of the current speculative era has been the demand for…
The widening attack on free speech
Last month I wrote about free speech. Reaction to that column and a growing concern among fellow…
New book
Recently I’ve been holed up. It was not unlike working in a salt mine. The reason was not the…
1908 blizzards shut down roads and local rail lines
Ask oldtimers about severe winters in 色控传媒County, and most will immediately recall the…
Bigger is not better
Until recently in Canada and the United States, the bigger retailers had a dominant share of the…
A champion of free speech emerges
In two previous columns, I dealt with the issue of the attack on free speech by Canadian Human…
Country music
I’m back to listening to country music again. In my younger days, eons and eons ago, it was…
Railways struggled to open lines after March storm
Last week’s column offered the first part of the story of the winter of 1908, and the storms…
Not a good bet
According to conventional wisdom, it is accepted as a good bet that shares on the stock market…
Changing for the sake of change
As a normal result of getting older, almost any comment about change in society sends me spinning…
Iggily Spiggily
You might experience a double take and wonder why I have picked such a fickle unfitting title…
Armed holdup of farmer shocked Peel in 1925
Back in the 1920s, Joseph Davidson operated a 150-acre farm on Concession 13 of Peel Township,…
Not much help
If you wish to rely on economic predictions, particularly longer term ones, you will discover that…