During November, Diabetes Awareness Month, I pay extra attention to that illness. Consequently, I…
Recently I had a birthday. It was brought to my attention by a Happy-Birthday phone call from a…
Thieves hit Fergus stores twice in six months
One of the consequences of the widespread popularity of motor cars and improved roads in the…
At long last
After eons of being treated as second class citizens (or worse), women at long last are being…
When cops blunder
Wagging my finger, I yelled "Slow down," at the police cruiser driving at excessive speed…
Just looking
The weekend prior to our first snowfall I took off to our son’s family farm, which is…
Guelph considered building a new city hall in 1907
Local history buffs and heritage professionals agree that Guelph’s old city hall is one of…
Worthless information
A great deal of “information” can be described quite properly as “noise.”…
In the winters of my discontent
Just before writing this, I made a serious blunder. I looked out the window. Normally, that…
Having a ball
This past week or so I have been having a ball. It has been a fun time for me from start to finish.…
Salem man concocted tale of kidnap and robbery
After Sem Wissler, James Gladstone ranks as the second most significant businessman in…
Acting emotionally
Real estate values in general do not follow the basic laws of supply and demand as do mainstream…
A grandpa remembers winter
When I was 8, the snow raced ahead of a growling, snarling wind and tumbled in huge drifts behind…
Unreturning days
It has been now longer than six long months since my Little Lady passed on to the paradise that she…
Capture of accused murderer was a sensation in ’08
On April 18, 1908, newspapers across Ontario carried a story about a homicide at the…