If you or someone in your family has a problem with gambling help is available. Gamblers Anonymous can provide help and hope. Call our 24-hour help line: 1-855-222-5542.
PTSD Peer Support Group in Guelph for corrections workers, emergency dispatchers, first responders, military and veterans. For info see our Project Trauma Support website.
Alcoholics Anonymous, if you want to drink, that’s your business but if you want to stop that’s ours. 1-888-695-9357.
The Grove Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario – a safe place for youth aged 12 to 26 offering access to recreation and wellness programs. Locations in Erin, Palmerston, and Fergus. To learn more about the Grove Hubs, see our website.
Euchre at Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club, 310 King St E. 1pm. Every Friday come enjoy friendly games of euchre. Contact info: Al Hodgson, 519-323-6143
Arthur Senior Citizens Club meets every Friday at 7pm to play cribbage in the Arthur Seniors’ Hall, 244 Isabella St. Arthur.
Open Jam Session at the Elora Legion, 2pm. Drop-in jam sessions hosted by The NoName Band. Join in or sit back and enjoy the music.
Cribbage at the Fergus Victoria Park Seniors Centre every Friday at 9:30am.
St. John’s Anglican Church (Elora) Parish Centre Song Circle, music provided, every Friday at 10:30am. Join us for some old favourite songs and fun in the yellow house, south entrance, across from Geddes Market.
Line Dancing with Urban Cowboy hosted by the Elora legion. Beginner lesson 7 to 9pm. Open all request line dancing 9pm to 12am. Doors open at 6:30pm Dancing starts at 7pm. $15 per person.
Karaoke every Saturday Night in the clubroom at The Elora Legion, 8pm.
A.A meeting every Saturday night at 8pm at the Mount Forest Presbyterian church 196 Birmingham St.
Belwood Lions Spirit and beer Bottle Collection 10 to 12pm. Belwood Hall, 36 Queen St. Belwood. All money raise is donated to community charities.
Stone United Church is hosting a meeting on “How to Manage Grief and Loss” at 10am, Stone United Church, 5370 Fourth Line, Guelph Eramosa. Also available on Zoom. Register at Stone Wellness on Eventbrite or call 519-856-4160.
Valentines Bazaar hosted by the Arthur Legion from 11:30am to 1pm. Bake sale, raffle table, tea and light lunch available, free admission.
Gospel services are being held at: CW Sportsplex, 500 Belsyde Ave, E., from 4 to 5pm. 519-820-2985. No requests for contributions.
Are you suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, anger issues, panic, sleeplessness? Recovery Canada can help you. You are not alone. Zoom meetings every Mon from 7:30 to 9pm. Call Donna at 519-323-6272 or for the link.
Shuffleboard at the Mount Forest Sports Complex, Mondays 1 to 3pm. Contact 519-323-3281 for more info.
Seniors Darts at the Mount Forest Legion, every Monday at 12:30pm. Come out and enjoy a friendly game of darts.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Euchre every Monday at 1:30pm
GW Breast Cancer Support Group. Sharing meeting online with zoom. New members welcome. Email for those who would like to join the support group.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Pepper every Tuesday at 1:30pm
Euchre at the Elora Legion every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Come enjoy a night out!
Arthur Senior Citizens Club meets every Tuesday at 1pm to play euchre in the Arthur Seniors’ Hall, 244 Isabella St. Arthur.
Fergus Brass Band – a multi-instrument band practice every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Located at the Band Hall on Blair St, Fergus, across from the legion.
Arthur optimist Bingo. Every Tuesday night. Doors open at 5pm, games start at 6:45pm. Upstairs of the Arthur legion.
Cribbage at the Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club starting at 1pm at the Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club, 340 King St E. Crib for all levels! Come out for an enjoyable afternoon.
The Association of Parent Support Groups Ontario (APSGO) is for parents struggling with the behaviour of a youth or young adult. Meetings every Tuesday 7:30 to 9pm on zoom. Call 1-800-488-5666 or 519-763-6186 for the link.
Four Corners Quilters Guild meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month (on zoom for Jan, Feb , Mar. Contact email: )at the Mount Forest Recreation Complex. Meeting starts at 7pm. New members are welcome.
CW Optimist Club-Fergus General Meeting, 7pm at 181 St. Andrew Street East, side entrance, second floor. Come see what your local Optimists have planned for 2025! All are welcome! Optimism brings out the best in our kids, our community and ourselves!
Mount Forest Al-Anon meetings at 10am. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 196 Birmingham St E. Please use the side entrance.
Mount Forest Lions Bingo, every Wednesday, Mount Forest Sportsplex, doors open 5pm, early bird games 6:45pm, regular games, 7pm.
Mount Forest Seniors Group, Euchre and double Euchre, every Wednesday afternoon, 1 to 3:30pm at the Mount Forest Sportsplex. All Seniors over 55 are welcome.
Zoomers Drop In. 12 Dundas St E, Erin. 10am to 12pm with lunch to follow for a cost of $5. Cards, board games, pool, shuffleboard, darts, and good conversation.
Guelph Legion Wednesday Night Bingo is back. 7pm at 57 Watson Pkwy S. Please join us and welcome back!
Community Coffee Time hosted by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Arthur. Drop in for coffee, meet with friends from 9:30 to 11am.
Weekly Wednesday concerts by pianist and singer Brad Halls, (Mid-Day Music at Melville), 12 noon to 1 pm at Melville United Church, Tower and St. Andrew, Fergus. 100 years of wonderful music from the world of the movies. By donation.
Grand Quilt Guild meeting at 7:30pm, Zoom only, Dianne Stevenson, speaking on Canadiana in cloth. Guests $10
Euchre at the Fergus Victoria Park Seniors Centre, every Thursday 7:30pm.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Pepper every Thursday at 1:30pm.
Every Thursday evening the Fergus Legion Ladies Auxiliary Bingo at 7pm, come out for an evening of fun and bring a friend.
Mount Forest AA Meeting every Thursday 8pm. Mount Forest United Church 175 Queen St. E.
Ladies Community Bible Study hosted by the Central Church Elora, 9:30 to 11:30am. We welcome all ladies to study God’s Word along with us. We will have a short video & small group discussion with fellowship & fun.
Courage to Grow Al-Anon Family Group meets weekly; Thursday 7:30pm at St. James Anglican Church-upstairs.
Euchre at Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club, 310 King St E. 1pm. Every Friday come enjoy friendly games of euchre. Contact info: Al Hodgson, 519-323-6143
Arthur Senior Citizens Club meets every Friday at 7pm to play cribbage in the Arthur Seniors’ Hall, 244 Isabella St. Arthur.
Open Jam Session at the Elora Legion, 2pm. Drop-in jam sessions hosted by The NoName Band. Join in or sit back and enjoy the music.
Cribbage at the Fergus Victoria Park Seniors Centre every Friday at 9:30am.
St. John’s Anglican Church (Elora) Parish Centre Song Circle, music provided, every Friday at 10:30am. Join us for some old favourite songs and fun in the yellow house, south entrance, across from Geddes Market.
Enjoy a Gourmet Valentine’s Day Dinner with your sweetheart at James St UC, Palmerston. $40 per person. Appetizers at 6. Tickets available at 519-292-9419/519-343-3710/519-343-3620.
Karaoke every Saturday Night in the clubroom at The Elora Legion, 8pm.
A.A meeting every Saturday night at 8pm at the Mount Forest Presbyterian church 196 Birmingham St.
And then What Happened…Black Canadian History: The Untold Stories hosted by Town of Minto’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Guest speaker Tracy Lee and her stories of coming to Canada via the Underground Railroad. Snacks by Mays Cafe at the Old Post. Tickets $5.
Karaoke night at the Arthur legion with Shaun MacRobbie. 8pm, Downstairs, 19+ event.
OAC Centennial Arboretum Centre is hosting an Owl Program from 2 to 3:30pm. Discover how to identify Ontario’s Owls. This fund-raising initiative will help support other Arboretum educational programs.
Gospel services are being held at: CW Sportsplex, 500 Belsyde Ave, E., from 4 to 5pm. 519-820-2985. No requests for contributions.
Galentine’s Day Blind Date with a Book (Swap) for Women of Color in Guelph at 3:30pm, 42 Carden Street, Guelph. A fun evening of book swapping, drinks, snacks, and amazing vibes—for women of color in Guelph looking to connect and grow their love for reading.
Are you suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, anger issues, panic, sleeplessness? Recovery Canada can help you. You are not alone. Zoom meetings every Mon from 7:30 to 9pm. Call Donna at 519-323-6272 or for the link.
Shuffleboard at the Mount Forest Sports Complex, Mondays 1 to 3pm. Contact 519-323-3281 for more info.
Seniors Darts at the Mount Forest Legion, every Monday at 12:30pm. Come out and enjoy a friendly game of darts.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Euchre every Monday at 1:30pm
Rockwood & District Lions Club is hosting a Family Day annual Pancakes & Pajamas breakfast from 9am to noon, Rockmosa Community Centre, 110 Rockmosa Dr, $10. Children 5 and under free. Proceeds to Childhood Cancer (POGO–Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario)
Family Day Extravaganza at the Art Gallery of Guelph from 1 to 4pm, 358 Gordon St, Guelph.  Activities will include sculpture park and exhibition scavenger hunts, piñata murals, a workshop inspired by Canadian folk art, and collage-making.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Pepper every Tuesday at 1:30pm
Euchre at the Elora Legion every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Come enjoy a night out!
Arthur Senior Citizens Club meets every Tuesday at 1pm to play euchre in the Arthur Seniors’ Hall, 244 Isabella St. Arthur.
Fergus Brass Band – a multi-instrument band practice every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Located at the Band Hall on Blair St, Fergus, across from the legion.
Arthur optimist Bingo. Every Tuesday night. Doors open at 5pm, games start at 6:45pm. Upstairs of the Arthur legion.
Cribbage at the Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club starting at 1pm at the Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club, 340 King St E. Crib for all levels! Come out for an enjoyable afternoon.
The Association of Parent Support Groups Ontario (APSGO) is for parents struggling with the behaviour of a youth or young adult. Meetings every Tuesday 7:30 to 9pm on zoom. Call 1-800-488-5666 or 519-763-6186 for the link.
Mount Forest Al-Anon meetings at 10am. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 196 Birmingham St E. Please use the side entrance.
Mount Forest Lions Bingo, every Wednesday, Mount Forest Sportsplex, doors open 5pm, early bird games 6:45pm, regular games, 7pm.
Mount Forest Seniors Group, Euchre and double Euchre, every Wednesday afternoon, 1 to 3:30pm at the Mount Forest Sportsplex. All Seniors over 55 are welcome.
Zoomers Drop In. 12 Dundas St E, Erin. 10am to 12pm with lunch to follow for a cost of $5. Cards, board games, pool, shuffleboard, darts, and good conversation.
Guelph Legion Wednesday Night Bingo is back. 7pm at 57 Watson Pkwy S. Please join us and welcome back!
Community Coffee Time hosted by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Arthur. Drop in for coffee, meet with friends from 9:30 to 11am.
Weekly Wednesday concerts by pianist and singer Brad Halls, (Mid-Day Music at Melville), 12 noon to 1 pm at Melville United Church, Tower and St. Andrew, Fergus. 100 years of wonderful music from the world of the movies. By donation.
Elora and Salem Horticultural Society meeting at 7pm, speaker: Gurpreet Gill, topic: Growing Roses in our cold Climate. Everyone welcome.
Rockwood & District Lions Club Open House. 7 to 9pm at the Rockmosa Community Centre, 110 Rockmosa Dr. Learn about the world’s largest service organization, how you can help your community, or tell us how Lions can help you.
Euchre at the Fergus Victoria Park Seniors Centre, every Thursday 7:30pm.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Pepper every Thursday at 1:30pm.
Every Thursday evening the Fergus Legion Ladies Auxiliary Bingo at 7pm, come out for an evening of fun and bring a friend.
Mount Forest AA Meeting every Thursday 8pm. Mount Forest United Church 175 Queen St. E.
Ladies Community Bible Study hosted by the Central Church Elora, 9:30 to 11:30am. We welcome all ladies to study God’s Word along with us. We will have a short video & small group discussion with fellowship & fun.
Courage to Grow Al-Anon Family Group meets weekly; Thursday 7:30pm at St. James Anglican Church-upstairs.
Euchre at Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club, 310 King St E. 1pm. Every Friday come enjoy friendly games of euchre. Contact info: Al Hodgson, 519-323-6143
Arthur Senior Citizens Club meets every Friday at 7pm to play cribbage in the Arthur Seniors’ Hall, 244 Isabella St. Arthur.
Open Jam Session at the Elora Legion, 2pm. Drop-in jam sessions hosted by The NoName Band. Join in or sit back and enjoy the music.
Cribbage at the Fergus Victoria Park Seniors Centre every Friday at 9:30am.
St. John’s Anglican Church (Elora) Parish Centre Song Circle, music provided, every Friday at 10:30am. Join us for some old favourite songs and fun in the yellow house, south entrance, across from Geddes Market.
Drayton Legion euchre at 7:30pm. $5 admission includes a light lunch. Everyone is welcome.
Wing Night at the Arthur Legion at 6pm. All you can eat chicken wings, fresh cut fries and caesar salad. Adults 25, Children $12, Under 12 Free. Live music.
Karaoke every Saturday Night in the clubroom at The Elora Legion, 8pm.
A.A meeting every Saturday night at 8pm at the Mount Forest Presbyterian church 196 Birmingham St.
Afternoon Euchre 1pm at Knox Presbyterian Church, 51 Church St. E., Elora. Cost $10. Prizes and Refreshments.
Gospel services are being held at: CW Sportsplex, 500 Belsyde Ave, E., from 4 to 5pm. 519-820-2985. No requests for contributions.
Palmerston legion is hosting a Jamboree from 1 to 5pm, 260 Daly St. $5 admission. For info call Legion: 519-343-3749
Progressive Euchre at the Arthur Legion. Registration 12:45pm, play starts at 1:15pm. $5 per person, no partner required, all welcome.
Are you suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, anger issues, panic, sleeplessness? Recovery Canada can help you. You are not alone. Zoom meetings every Mon from 7:30 to 9pm. Call Donna at 519-323-6272 or for the link.
Shuffleboard at the Mount Forest Sports Complex, Mondays 1 to 3pm. Contact 519-323-3281 for more info.
Seniors Darts at the Mount Forest Legion, every Monday at 12:30pm. Come out and enjoy a friendly game of darts.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Euchre every Monday at 1:30pm
G.W. Breast Cancer Support group are meeting 10:30am to 12pm at McDonalds Restaurant on Stone Rd. Guelph. To join, email New members welcome.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Pepper every Tuesday at 1:30pm
Euchre at the Elora Legion every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Come enjoy a night out!
Arthur Senior Citizens Club meets every Tuesday at 1pm to play euchre in the Arthur Seniors’ Hall, 244 Isabella St. Arthur.
Fergus Brass Band – a multi-instrument band practice every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Located at the Band Hall on Blair St, Fergus, across from the legion.
Arthur optimist Bingo. Every Tuesday night. Doors open at 5pm, games start at 6:45pm. Upstairs of the Arthur legion.
Cribbage at the Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club starting at 1pm at the Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club, 340 King St E. Crib for all levels! Come out for an enjoyable afternoon.
The Association of Parent Support Groups Ontario (APSGO) is for parents struggling with the behaviour of a youth or young adult. Meetings every Tuesday 7:30 to 9pm on zoom. Call 1-800-488-5666 or 519-763-6186 for the link.
CW Probus Club. All retirees welcome. Last Tuesday monthly 10am at the Aboyne Museum. Speakers, bus trips, socials.
Guelph Horticultural Society 7:30pm meeting on Honey Bee Research Centre Activities, Dublin Street United Church Guelph. Problems and Solutions; bee plants; new building. Speaker Paul Kelly. All welcome. $5.
Mount Forest Al-Anon meetings at 10am. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 196 Birmingham St E. Please use the side entrance.
Mount Forest Lions Bingo, every Wednesday, Mount Forest Sportsplex, doors open 5pm, early bird games 6:45pm, regular games, 7pm.
Mount Forest Seniors Group, Euchre and double Euchre, every Wednesday afternoon, 1 to 3:30pm at the Mount Forest Sportsplex. All Seniors over 55 are welcome.
Zoomers Drop In. 12 Dundas St E, Erin. 10am to 12pm with lunch to follow for a cost of $5. Cards, board games, pool, shuffleboard, darts, and good conversation.
Guelph Legion Wednesday Night Bingo is back. 7pm at 57 Watson Pkwy S. Please join us and welcome back!
Community Coffee Time hosted by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Arthur. Drop in for coffee, meet with friends from 9:30 to 11am.
Weekly Wednesday concerts by pianist and singer Brad Halls, (Mid-Day Music at Melville), 12 noon to 1 pm at Melville United Church, Tower and St. Andrew, Fergus. 100 years of wonderful music from the world of the movies. By donation.
Euchre at the Fergus Victoria Park Seniors Centre, every Thursday 7:30pm.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Pepper every Thursday at 1:30pm.
Every Thursday evening the Fergus Legion Ladies Auxiliary Bingo at 7pm, come out for an evening of fun and bring a friend.
Mount Forest AA Meeting every Thursday 8pm. Mount Forest United Church 175 Queen St. E.
Ladies Community Bible Study hosted by the Central Church Elora, 9:30 to 11:30am. We welcome all ladies to study God’s Word along with us. We will have a short video & small group discussion with fellowship & fun.
Courage to Grow Al-Anon Family Group meets weekly; Thursday 7:30pm at St. James Anglican Church-upstairs.
Euchre at Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club, 310 King St E. 1pm. Every Friday come enjoy friendly games of euchre. Contact info: Al Hodgson, 519-323-6143
Arthur Senior Citizens Club meets every Friday at 7pm to play cribbage in the Arthur Seniors’ Hall, 244 Isabella St. Arthur.
Open Jam Session at the Elora Legion, 2pm. Drop-in jam sessions hosted by The NoName Band. Join in or sit back and enjoy the music.
Cribbage at the Fergus Victoria Park Seniors Centre every Friday at 9:30am.
St. John’s Anglican Church (Elora) Parish Centre Song Circle, music provided, every Friday at 10:30am. Join us for some old favourite songs and fun in the yellow house, south entrance, across from Geddes Market.
Hootenannies, 7pm at Arkell United Church, 600 Arkell Rd. at Arkell and Watson. Sign up for your turn in the spotlight or just come to listen and enjoy the music. Contact Rob Stark at 519-994-4996 if you wish to have more information.
Active Living and Retirement Show from 10am to 2pm at the CW Sportsplex – 550 Belsyde Ave, Fergus. Free admission, grab bags, light refreshments, fitness classes, seminars and more.
Community dinner held at All Saints, Erin, prepared and served by Royal Canadian Legion at 6pm. Warming bowl of stew, salad and desserts. Pay what you can. Proceeds for Poppy Fund.
Knox-Elora Presbyterian & Brighten Chapter No. 201 O.E.S. is hosting a Spaghetti Dinner from 5 to 7pm at Knox Presbyterian Church, 51 Church Street, Elora. Adults $18, Children (5-12) $9. Spaghetti, Caesar Salad, Garlic Bread, Pie. Advanced Sales only – no walk-ins. Ticket deadline: Sunday, February 23.
Karaoke every Saturday Night in the clubroom at The Elora Legion, 8pm.
A.A meeting every Saturday night at 8pm at the Mount Forest Presbyterian church 196 Birmingham St.
What’s Going Right in the World of Waste Resources meeting at 10am, hosted by Stone United Church, 5370 Fourth Line, Guelph Eramosa. Also available on Zoom! Register at Stone Wellness on Eventbrite or call 519-856-4160.
Free Farm Safety Pancake Breakfast hosted by É«¿Ø´«Ã½County Farm and Home Safety Association from 9 to 11:45am at the Alma Community Centre, 51 Simpson St. Bring you family to learn about safety in and around your farm and home. Kid friendly, interactive booths to visit.
CW Optimist Club – Fergus presents the 9th annual Mardi Gras Trivia Night at the Fergus Legion. Doors open at 5pm, dinner at 6pm. $30pp. Tickets call Jim 519-843-5142 or email
Harriston Masonic Lodge, Breakfast & Bake Sale from 7:30 to 10:30am, 57 Young St W. Tickets: $15pp. payable at the door.
Are you suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, anger issues, panic, sleeplessness? Recovery Canada can help you. You are not alone. Zoom meetings every Mon from 7:30 to 9pm. Call Donna at 519-323-6272 or for the link.
Shuffleboard at the Mount Forest Sports Complex, Mondays 1 to 3pm. Contact 519-323-3281 for more info.
Seniors Darts at the Mount Forest Legion, every Monday at 12:30pm. Come out and enjoy a friendly game of darts.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Euchre every Monday at 1:30pm
Annual pancake supper at St James Anglican Church, Fergus, 141 Queen St E from 5 to 7pm. Bring your family and friends. Admission by donation. All are welcome.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Pepper every Tuesday at 1:30pm
Euchre at the Elora Legion every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Come enjoy a night out!
Arthur Senior Citizens Club meets every Tuesday at 1pm to play euchre in the Arthur Seniors’ Hall, 244 Isabella St. Arthur.
Fergus Brass Band – a multi-instrument band practice every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Located at the Band Hall on Blair St, Fergus, across from the legion.
Arthur optimist Bingo. Every Tuesday night. Doors open at 5pm, games start at 6:45pm. Upstairs of the Arthur legion.
Cribbage at the Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club starting at 1pm at the Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club, 340 King St E. Crib for all levels! Come out for an enjoyable afternoon.
The Association of Parent Support Groups Ontario (APSGO) is for parents struggling with the behaviour of a youth or young adult. Meetings every Tuesday 7:30 to 9pm on zoom. Call 1-800-488-5666 or 519-763-6186 for the link.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper from 5 to 7pm at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Fergus. All are welcome. Pay what you can, proceeds support HEARTS and schools in Haiti.
Harriston United Church is hosting a Pancake Supper from 5 to 7pm. Enjoy pancakes, sausages, fruit, by donation to help with kitchen repairs. Accessible, all welcome.
Mount Forest Al-Anon meetings at 10am. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 196 Birmingham St E. Please use the side entrance.
Mount Forest Lions Bingo, every Wednesday, Mount Forest Sportsplex, doors open 5pm, early bird games 6:45pm, regular games, 7pm.
Mount Forest Seniors Group, Euchre and double Euchre, every Wednesday afternoon, 1 to 3:30pm at the Mount Forest Sportsplex. All Seniors over 55 are welcome.
Zoomers Drop In. 12 Dundas St E, Erin. 10am to 12pm with lunch to follow for a cost of $5. Cards, board games, pool, shuffleboard, darts, and good conversation.
Guelph Legion Wednesday Night Bingo is back. 7pm at 57 Watson Pkwy S. Please join us and welcome back!
Community Coffee Time hosted by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Arthur. Drop in for coffee, meet with friends from 9:30 to 11am.
Weekly Wednesday concerts by pianist and singer Brad Halls, (Mid-Day Music at Melville), 12 noon to 1 pm at Melville United Church, Tower and St. Andrew, Fergus. 100 years of wonderful music from the world of the movies. By donation.
Seniors Euchre, James Street United Church Palmerston, 1 to 3pm. $2/person
South É«¿Ø´«Ã½Coin Society March Meeting at 7pm, 121 Rockmosa Drive, Rockwood (Adult Centre, in the Library building). Come out to enjoy an educational presentation, draws, an auction, and friendly discussion.
Euchre at the Fergus Victoria Park Seniors Centre, every Thursday 7:30pm.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Pepper every Thursday at 1:30pm.
Every Thursday evening the Fergus Legion Ladies Auxiliary Bingo at 7pm, come out for an evening of fun and bring a friend.
Mount Forest AA Meeting every Thursday 8pm. Mount Forest United Church 175 Queen St. E.
Ladies Community Bible Study hosted by the Central Church Elora, 9:30 to 11:30am. We welcome all ladies to study God’s Word along with us. We will have a short video & small group discussion with fellowship & fun.
Courage to Grow Al-Anon Family Group meets weekly; Thursday 7:30pm at St. James Anglican Church-upstairs.
Euchre at Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club, 310 King St E. 1pm. Every Friday come enjoy friendly games of euchre. Contact info: Al Hodgson, 519-323-6143
Arthur Senior Citizens Club meets every Friday at 7pm to play cribbage in the Arthur Seniors’ Hall, 244 Isabella St. Arthur.
Open Jam Session at the Elora Legion, 2pm. Drop-in jam sessions hosted by The NoName Band. Join in or sit back and enjoy the music.
Cribbage at the Fergus Victoria Park Seniors Centre every Friday at 9:30am.
St. John’s Anglican Church (Elora) Parish Centre Song Circle, music provided, every Friday at 10:30am. Join us for some old favourite songs and fun in the yellow house, south entrance, across from Geddes Market.
Karaoke every Saturday Night in the clubroom at The Elora Legion, 8pm.
A.A meeting every Saturday night at 8pm at the Mount Forest Presbyterian church 196 Birmingham St.
Belwood Lions Spirit and beer Bottle Collection 10 to 12pm. Belwood Hall, 36 Queen St. Belwood. All money raise is donated to community charities.
Are you suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, anger issues, panic, sleeplessness? Recovery Canada can help you. You are not alone. Zoom meetings every Mon from 7:30 to 9pm. Call Donna at 519-323-6272 or for the link.
Shuffleboard at the Mount Forest Sports Complex, Mondays 1 to 3pm. Contact 519-323-3281 for more info.
Seniors Darts at the Mount Forest Legion, every Monday at 12:30pm. Come out and enjoy a friendly game of darts.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Euchre every Monday at 1:30pm
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Pepper every Tuesday at 1:30pm
Euchre at the Elora Legion every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Come enjoy a night out!
Arthur Senior Citizens Club meets every Tuesday at 1pm to play euchre in the Arthur Seniors’ Hall, 244 Isabella St. Arthur.
Fergus Brass Band – a multi-instrument band practice every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Located at the Band Hall on Blair St, Fergus, across from the legion.
Arthur optimist Bingo. Every Tuesday night. Doors open at 5pm, games start at 6:45pm. Upstairs of the Arthur legion.
Cribbage at the Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club starting at 1pm at the Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club, 340 King St E. Crib for all levels! Come out for an enjoyable afternoon.
The Association of Parent Support Groups Ontario (APSGO) is for parents struggling with the behaviour of a youth or young adult. Meetings every Tuesday 7:30 to 9pm on zoom. Call 1-800-488-5666 or 519-763-6186 for the link.
Four Corners Quilters Guild meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month (on zoom for Jan, Feb , Mar. Contact email: )at the Mount Forest Recreation Complex. Meeting starts at 7pm. New members are welcome.
Mount Forest Al-Anon meetings at 10am. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 196 Birmingham St E. Please use the side entrance.
Mount Forest Lions Bingo, every Wednesday, Mount Forest Sportsplex, doors open 5pm, early bird games 6:45pm, regular games, 7pm.
Mount Forest Seniors Group, Euchre and double Euchre, every Wednesday afternoon, 1 to 3:30pm at the Mount Forest Sportsplex. All Seniors over 55 are welcome.
Zoomers Drop In. 12 Dundas St E, Erin. 10am to 12pm with lunch to follow for a cost of $5. Cards, board games, pool, shuffleboard, darts, and good conversation.
Guelph Legion Wednesday Night Bingo is back. 7pm at 57 Watson Pkwy S. Please join us and welcome back!
Community Coffee Time hosted by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Arthur. Drop in for coffee, meet with friends from 9:30 to 11am.
Weekly Wednesday concerts by pianist and singer Brad Halls, (Mid-Day Music at Melville), 12 noon to 1 pm at Melville United Church, Tower and St. Andrew, Fergus. 100 years of wonderful music from the world of the movies. By donation.
Euchre at the Fergus Victoria Park Seniors Centre, every Thursday 7:30pm.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Pepper every Thursday at 1:30pm.
Every Thursday evening the Fergus Legion Ladies Auxiliary Bingo at 7pm, come out for an evening of fun and bring a friend.
Mount Forest AA Meeting every Thursday 8pm. Mount Forest United Church 175 Queen St. E.
Ladies Community Bible Study hosted by the Central Church Elora, 9:30 to 11:30am. We welcome all ladies to study God’s Word along with us. We will have a short video & small group discussion with fellowship & fun.
Courage to Grow Al-Anon Family Group meets weekly; Thursday 7:30pm at St. James Anglican Church-upstairs.
Euchre at Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club, 310 King St E. 1pm. Every Friday come enjoy friendly games of euchre. Contact info: Al Hodgson, 519-323-6143
Arthur Senior Citizens Club meets every Friday at 7pm to play cribbage in the Arthur Seniors’ Hall, 244 Isabella St. Arthur.
Open Jam Session at the Elora Legion, 2pm. Drop-in jam sessions hosted by The NoName Band. Join in or sit back and enjoy the music.
Cribbage at the Fergus Victoria Park Seniors Centre every Friday at 9:30am.
St. John’s Anglican Church (Elora) Parish Centre Song Circle, music provided, every Friday at 10:30am. Join us for some old favourite songs and fun in the yellow house, south entrance, across from Geddes Market.
Karaoke every Saturday Night in the clubroom at The Elora Legion, 8pm.
A.A meeting every Saturday night at 8pm at the Mount Forest Presbyterian church 196 Birmingham St.
Please join us for St. Patrick’s Festivities at the Elora Legion, 8:30pm, featuring live music from Kerosene Creek. Tickets $10 advance, $15 at the door. Show starts 9pm.
Are you suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, anger issues, panic, sleeplessness? Recovery Canada can help you. You are not alone. Zoom meetings every Mon from 7:30 to 9pm. Call Donna at 519-323-6272 or for the link.
Shuffleboard at the Mount Forest Sports Complex, Mondays 1 to 3pm. Contact 519-323-3281 for more info.
Seniors Darts at the Mount Forest Legion, every Monday at 12:30pm. Come out and enjoy a friendly game of darts.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Euchre every Monday at 1:30pm
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Pepper every Tuesday at 1:30pm
Euchre at the Elora Legion every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Come enjoy a night out!
Arthur Senior Citizens Club meets every Tuesday at 1pm to play euchre in the Arthur Seniors’ Hall, 244 Isabella St. Arthur.
Fergus Brass Band – a multi-instrument band practice every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Located at the Band Hall on Blair St, Fergus, across from the legion.
Arthur optimist Bingo. Every Tuesday night. Doors open at 5pm, games start at 6:45pm. Upstairs of the Arthur legion.
Cribbage at the Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club starting at 1pm at the Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club, 340 King St E. Crib for all levels! Come out for an enjoyable afternoon.
The Association of Parent Support Groups Ontario (APSGO) is for parents struggling with the behaviour of a youth or young adult. Meetings every Tuesday 7:30 to 9pm on zoom. Call 1-800-488-5666 or 519-763-6186 for the link.
Mount Forest Al-Anon meetings at 10am. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 196 Birmingham St E. Please use the side entrance.
Mount Forest Lions Bingo, every Wednesday, Mount Forest Sportsplex, doors open 5pm, early bird games 6:45pm, regular games, 7pm.
Mount Forest Seniors Group, Euchre and double Euchre, every Wednesday afternoon, 1 to 3:30pm at the Mount Forest Sportsplex. All Seniors over 55 are welcome.
Zoomers Drop In. 12 Dundas St E, Erin. 10am to 12pm with lunch to follow for a cost of $5. Cards, board games, pool, shuffleboard, darts, and good conversation.
Guelph Legion Wednesday Night Bingo is back. 7pm at 57 Watson Pkwy S. Please join us and welcome back!
Community Coffee Time hosted by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Arthur. Drop in for coffee, meet with friends from 9:30 to 11am.
Weekly Wednesday concerts by pianist and singer Brad Halls, (Mid-Day Music at Melville), 12 noon to 1 pm at Melville United Church, Tower and St. Andrew, Fergus. 100 years of wonderful music from the world of the movies. By donation.
Elora and Salem Horticultural Society 3rd Annual Spring Event. Doors open at 6 pm with speakers starting at 7 pm at Grand Event Centre, Elora Admission: $10 entrance fee, Main Speaker: Julia Dimakos. Topic: Successful Vegetable Gardening.
Euchre at the Fergus Victoria Park Seniors Centre, every Thursday 7:30pm.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Pepper every Thursday at 1:30pm.
Every Thursday evening the Fergus Legion Ladies Auxiliary Bingo at 7pm, come out for an evening of fun and bring a friend.
Mount Forest AA Meeting every Thursday 8pm. Mount Forest United Church 175 Queen St. E.
Ladies Community Bible Study hosted by the Central Church Elora, 9:30 to 11:30am. We welcome all ladies to study God’s Word along with us. We will have a short video & small group discussion with fellowship & fun.
Courage to Grow Al-Anon Family Group meets weekly; Thursday 7:30pm at St. James Anglican Church-upstairs.
Euchre at Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club, 310 King St E. 1pm. Every Friday come enjoy friendly games of euchre. Contact info: Al Hodgson, 519-323-6143
Arthur Senior Citizens Club meets every Friday at 7pm to play cribbage in the Arthur Seniors’ Hall, 244 Isabella St. Arthur.
Open Jam Session at the Elora Legion, 2pm. Drop-in jam sessions hosted by The NoName Band. Join in or sit back and enjoy the music.
Cribbage at the Fergus Victoria Park Seniors Centre every Friday at 9:30am.
St. John’s Anglican Church (Elora) Parish Centre Song Circle, music provided, every Friday at 10:30am. Join us for some old favourite songs and fun in the yellow house, south entrance, across from Geddes Market.
Drayton Legion euchre at 7:30pm. $5 admission includes a light lunch. Everyone is welcome.
Karaoke every Saturday Night in the clubroom at The Elora Legion, 8pm.
A.A meeting every Saturday night at 8pm at the Mount Forest Presbyterian church 196 Birmingham St.
Building Greatness – Habitat for Humanity Guelph É«¿Ø´«Ã½meeting, 10am at Stone United Church, 5370 Fourth Line, Guelph Eramosa. Also available on Zoom! Register at Stone Wellness on Eventbrite or call 519-856-4160.
Are you suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, anger issues, panic, sleeplessness? Recovery Canada can help you. You are not alone. Zoom meetings every Mon from 7:30 to 9pm. Call Donna at 519-323-6272 or for the link.
Shuffleboard at the Mount Forest Sports Complex, Mondays 1 to 3pm. Contact 519-323-3281 for more info.
Seniors Darts at the Mount Forest Legion, every Monday at 12:30pm. Come out and enjoy a friendly game of darts.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Euchre every Monday at 1:30pm
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Pepper every Tuesday at 1:30pm
Euchre at the Elora Legion every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Come enjoy a night out!
Arthur Senior Citizens Club meets every Tuesday at 1pm to play euchre in the Arthur Seniors’ Hall, 244 Isabella St. Arthur.
Fergus Brass Band – a multi-instrument band practice every Tuesday at 7:30pm. Located at the Band Hall on Blair St, Fergus, across from the legion.
Arthur optimist Bingo. Every Tuesday night. Doors open at 5pm, games start at 6:45pm. Upstairs of the Arthur legion.
Cribbage at the Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club starting at 1pm at the Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club, 340 King St E. Crib for all levels! Come out for an enjoyable afternoon.
The Association of Parent Support Groups Ontario (APSGO) is for parents struggling with the behaviour of a youth or young adult. Meetings every Tuesday 7:30 to 9pm on zoom. Call 1-800-488-5666 or 519-763-6186 for the link.
CW Probus Club. All retirees welcome. Last Tuesday monthly 10am at the Aboyne Museum. Speakers, bus trips, socials.
Mount Forest Al-Anon meetings at 10am. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 196 Birmingham St E. Please use the side entrance.
Mount Forest Lions Bingo, every Wednesday, Mount Forest Sportsplex, doors open 5pm, early bird games 6:45pm, regular games, 7pm.
Mount Forest Seniors Group, Euchre and double Euchre, every Wednesday afternoon, 1 to 3:30pm at the Mount Forest Sportsplex. All Seniors over 55 are welcome.
Zoomers Drop In. 12 Dundas St E, Erin. 10am to 12pm with lunch to follow for a cost of $5. Cards, board games, pool, shuffleboard, darts, and good conversation.
Guelph Legion Wednesday Night Bingo is back. 7pm at 57 Watson Pkwy S. Please join us and welcome back!
Community Coffee Time hosted by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Arthur. Drop in for coffee, meet with friends from 9:30 to 11am.
Weekly Wednesday concerts by pianist and singer Brad Halls, (Mid-Day Music at Melville), 12 noon to 1 pm at Melville United Church, Tower and St. Andrew, Fergus. 100 years of wonderful music from the world of the movies. By donation.
Euchre at the Fergus Victoria Park Seniors Centre, every Thursday 7:30pm.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Pepper every Thursday at 1:30pm.
Every Thursday evening the Fergus Legion Ladies Auxiliary Bingo at 7pm, come out for an evening of fun and bring a friend.
Mount Forest AA Meeting every Thursday 8pm. Mount Forest United Church 175 Queen St. E.
Ladies Community Bible Study hosted by the Central Church Elora, 9:30 to 11:30am. We welcome all ladies to study God’s Word along with us. We will have a short video & small group discussion with fellowship & fun.
Courage to Grow Al-Anon Family Group meets weekly; Thursday 7:30pm at St. James Anglican Church-upstairs.
Euchre at Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club, 310 King St E. 1pm. Every Friday come enjoy friendly games of euchre. Contact info: Al Hodgson, 519-323-6143
Arthur Senior Citizens Club meets every Friday at 7pm to play cribbage in the Arthur Seniors’ Hall, 244 Isabella St. Arthur.
Open Jam Session at the Elora Legion, 2pm. Drop-in jam sessions hosted by The NoName Band. Join in or sit back and enjoy the music.
Cribbage at the Fergus Victoria Park Seniors Centre every Friday at 9:30am.
St. John’s Anglican Church (Elora) Parish Centre Song Circle, music provided, every Friday at 10:30am. Join us for some old favourite songs and fun in the yellow house, south entrance, across from Geddes Market.
Hootenannies, 7pm at Arkell United Church, 600 Arkell Rd. at Arkell and Watson. Sign up for your turn in the spotlight or just come to listen and enjoy the music. Contact Rob Stark at 519-994-4996 if you wish to have more information.
Karaoke every Saturday Night in the clubroom at The Elora Legion, 8pm.
A.A meeting every Saturday night at 8pm at the Mount Forest Presbyterian church 196 Birmingham St.
Are you suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, anger issues, panic, sleeplessness? Recovery Canada can help you. You are not alone. Zoom meetings every Mon from 7:30 to 9pm. Call Donna at 519-323-6272 or for the link.
Shuffleboard at the Mount Forest Sports Complex, Mondays 1 to 3pm. Contact 519-323-3281 for more info.
Seniors Darts at the Mount Forest Legion, every Monday at 12:30pm. Come out and enjoy a friendly game of darts.
Harriston 55+ Seniors Club hosting Senior’s cards at the Harriston Train Station. Euchre every Monday at 1:30pm
Palmerston legion is hosting a Jamboree from 1 to 5pm, 260 Daly St. $5 admission. For info call Legion: 519-343-3749