Dear Editor:
Selfishness, gaslighting, scapegoating and altogether terrible leadership – this is a mere sampling of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s legacy.
His resignation announcement last week allowed for a long awaited sigh of relief to be shared across the country; the possibility of 10 years of despair brought to an end, a dream many have held since Trudeau said, “… so help me God.”
However, no matter who the Liberals pull out of the hat, no matter who is decided to best lead Canadians in this process of restoration, they will not save us.
We cannot vote for someone that sits opposite to the Conservatives in our House of Commons. Every time, they stood behind Trudeau as his ideas crashed and burned, and shielded him from rightful criticism and retaliation.
We cannot fall for any last minute Biden/Harris type schemes. Trudeau is a bully, convinced that Canadians, his fellow countrymen, are his lowly subordinates. I guarantee you that his socialist successor, whoever it may be, will view you and I no different.
We cannot risk the same possibilities to transpire as we witnessed last year, when our American counterparts were almost brought down by those who fell for “Democratic” strategy.
So, when a new leader is found amongst the waste that is our Liberal Party, and an election is called, please think back to the past 10 years, how you have struggled, how your neighbours have struggled. And if you can find no fault in the Trudeau regime, then do as you please, but every vote counts. Another four year of anything resembling our present, cannot be endured.
Susannah Sinclair,