Filled ‘to the brim’

Dear Editor:

I can feel a conflict brewing in the Village of Elora.

I’ve stood in awe of the reawakening of 43 Mill St. W. and Francis Lane. The restoration of the Commercial Hotel has brought history back to life and the vision to transform Francis Lane into a gathering space is exciting and exceptionally beautiful. Thank you for the vision, the craftsmanship and the investment.

This past couple of weeks however, has brought a tipping point and I felt a deep need to explain how unsettling the lightning speed changes have affected me personally and I suspect many of the locals.

I’ve always thought of buildings as the vessels that allow a community to gather so it seems that the “filling” of the town is the unnerving ingredient to the changes. I felt for the first time since moving here in 1989 that I did not recognize my town – she was bursting at the seams. How odd it is to feel such joy at her unveiling and such trepidation for her future when I witness the hoards.

All good change comes with growing pains, but perhaps we could steer the ship in a slower direction.

Elora’s history is steeped in the arts and culture and I’m wondering if the criteria for selecting the “influencers” could reflect the categories of art/culture and history to generate a more organic tourist for this wee village of ours.

A slower growth may foster a more meaningful connection to Elora as I fear that if we fill her to the brim too quickly, there will be no space for the treasures who could witness her true beauty.

Sophie Hogan,