Community helps hospital foundation reach $2-million goal in less than a year

ABOYNE – Lori Arsenault is filled with gratitude and wonder at the speed and passion of a community that managed to raise $2 million for the Groves Hospital Foundation in less than a year.

Arsenault, executive director of the foundation, started a fundraising campaign for a new CT scanner in the spring of 2024 and said she thought it would take 18 months to two years to reach the $2-million goal.

But the foundation announced on Jan. 21 that the $2-million goal has been met ahead of schedule and that is cause for celebration.

“There has been a great outpouring of support” for the campaign, Arsenault said in a phone interview.

“A $1-million donation from an anonymous donor really helped the cause. But many individuals, corporations and service clubs also made generous donations, and we are so grateful.”

Arsenault couldn’t say more about the anonymous donor other than “an individual in the community stepped forward.”

The province funds hospital operating costs and some capital, but money for equipment is generally paid for by hospital foundations through their fundraising efforts.

“Yes, we have a beautiful hospital that the government partially paid for. But they don’t fund equipment and in order to have the health care we need, we continually need to raise funds,” she added.

Arsenault said every year the hospital gives the foundation a list of equipment that’s needed.

The 2024 list included more than the $2-million CT scanner.

There’s another $1.9 million still needed to purchase items like cardiac monitors, surgical equipment, beds and new and updated software.

This kind of equipment doesn’t capture the public interest the same as a CT scanner, Arsenault acknowledged, but it is also critical to the functioning of the hospital.

But rather than focus on the fundraising gap, right now Arsenault would rather focus on the fundraising success.

There were a total 621 donors who made it happen, she said. That includes kids selling lemonade, service clubs, businesses and individual donations.

“You threw fundraisers, walkathons, attended and volunteered at community events; made corporate, service club and personal donations; and shared our messages far and wide,” states a press release announcing the milestone.

“None of this would be possible without every single one of you. Although it hardly seems enough, thank you.”

The new CT scanner is expected to be installed in the spring.

In the meantime, a mobile scanner is positioned outside the ambulatory care meeting room near the main entrance to the hospital to serve patients.