KENILWORTH – The Arthur Optimist Club is getting nearly $12,000 back from ɫشýNorth Township – funds that were left over after a new splash pad was built on Domville Street in Arthur.
According to a staff report included in the Dec. 16 council meeting agenda, the township had partnered with the Optimists in 2017 to fundraise and install the splash pad.
“The project was completed with a surplus of $11,876.13,” the report stated.
While the report lists some possible uses for the funds, including operating expenses associated with the splash pad, the funds were not used.
“Staff have had various conversations with the Arthur Optimist Club regarding the surplus funds over the years, but no formal arrangement or agreement was made for use of these surplus funds,” the report stated.
In early November, the club’s treasurer emailed the township requesting the funds be returned to the club, it said.
The report noted the surplus had been transferred to the township’s reserves back in 2017, and returning the amount to the club will result in a reduction in reserve balances.
Council approved the request.
Reached via email, Optimist Club past president Scott Densmoretold the Advertiser the club has “no plans for the surplus funds from the splash pad at this time.”